I have been blessed beyond measure to have amazing girlfriends. You know who you are, and you know that I don't know where I would be without you. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for always loving me, and taking the time to listen or show that you care.
This past year was a difficult one. Being diagnosed with a chronic illness "rained on my parade" of life. But during that rain, I had some pretty hefty "umbrellas". My FRIENDS. They covered me and protected me when I needed it most. At times, I found myself literally standing in the pouring rain. Overwhelmed with life, I made mistakes that should have never been made. Yet my "umbrellas" came to the rescue. They never fail, they never "break" and I wouldn't "return" them for anything in the world.
They are selfless, giving, patient and kind. I only hope I can show them half of the love they have shown to me.
Last year, three of my best friends flew all the way to Utah just to see me attempt my first Ironman. After learning that my parents would not be able to make the trip, they decided they would go and be my support. They helped my husband with the kids, and helped me survive the week leading up to the event.
The night before the event, they decorated our rental house with streamers, balloons, and signs. They shoe-polished our rental cars. "You can do it, Marcia!" and "Marcia is our Ironwoman". Of course, my favorite, "FINISH STRONG".
On race day, they got up before the sun came up just to see me off for the day. Then, they began their own "Ironman" day. What a long day for them as they chased my kids around, found me along parts of the routes, held up their homemade signs.
Just knowing they were there for me, was HUGE. They believed in me, no matter what. They were proud of me whether I finished or not. There was one point during the 15-hour-day that I did not know if I would finish the race. I was in so much pain from the intestinal stricture, that I was doubled over and miserable. My friends and family were worried. I had worked this hard, and they wanted to see me finish. One of my best friends, Kathy Dann, is a fellow triathlete and runner. Kathy had endured her own set of problems that spring. She had just recovered from a fractured ankle/foot.
I can't tell you how touched I was when I looked over and saw Kathy running alongside the course by me on the marathon. She didn't say a word. She just ran silently. There was a look of concern on her face. She knew I was hurting and I could tell by the look on her face, that she was hurting for ME. I would disappear into the hills and obscured areas for a mile or two on the course, and then come back
out on the main road. Every time I came back out, Kathy was there waiting to run silently beside me. Just knowing she was there, made me feel encouraged and strong.
FRIENDS. That's what they do. They lift us up when we need it most. They sacrifice things in their lives to help us get through tough times. I feel as though my poor friends got more than they bargained for with me! Accidents, surgeries, traumas, Crohn's Disease, my friends have never left my side.
I am blessed to have had two of these girls in my life since I was 9 years old. Wow! That is a LONG time. These girls are my sisters. They have stepped in over the years and been closer than family. Emergency hospitalization and surgery in September, brought all of these girls to my side. What my husband and I would have done without them that first few days, I have no clue. They took over my care, the care of my kids, and ran my household until my family could get to town.
My FRIENDS, are my "umbrellas" and also my angels. I am extremely thankful to have such strong women in my life.
They also challenge me to step up my game. I want to make sure that I would do the same for them, or someone else in need. Sometimes we get the biggest blessing from helping others, but first we must take the time to give of ourselves. Let go of our pride and judgement and see other people for who they are. Accept all of their flaws and continue to love them. Knowing that none of us are perfect and that we all fall short sometimes.
I challenge you to take the opportunity to truly thank the strong, positive people in your life. You wouldn't be where you are today without them. I also challenge you to BE the kind of friend that you would like to have. Go that extra mile, break out of your comfort zone, take that risk. It will not go without notice or without appreciation.
Giving of yourself and your time to be a FRIEND, and not just a "friend" is one of the best things you can do for yourself and others.
Thank you, Esther, Jamie, and Kathy. You are my FRIENDS (along with so many more). Without you three as my "umbrellas" this past year, I would literally be soaked! :)