It's that mistake you made that had consequences. It's that mistake you made that nobody knew about. It's that plane you missed, the guy/girl you "gave a chance" when you were single, or maybe it's the day you took the stairs instead of the elevator. It's the little things like that in life that simply passed you by, or did they?
Ever wonder what would have happened had you made a different choice? Ever wonder why you followed your gut on a decision? Better yet, ever wonder why you denied your gut feeling and went with something despite that nagging sensation that something wasn't quite right?
In our lives we encounter crossroads. Sliding doors is somewhat a metaphor for these crossroads. The slightest change in plans can make a huge difference in the final outcome. It can even be a matter of life or death for some.
Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I had chosen a different path. Perhaps I made a different decision on whom to marry, what profession to choose, or whether or not to be a mom.
I could spend hours wondering what might have transpired if my sliding door options had differed. I could spend days yearning for a different outcome, or "better" life.
However, when it boils down to it, I am happy with my life. The mistakes, choices and decisions I have made are responsible for the person I am today. I have absolutely, without a doubt, made poor decisions. We all have. I have hurt others without intention, because of my choices in life. At the same time, I also may have blessed others without even knowing it.
You see, there is not necessarily a right or wrong choice when it comes to the sliding doors in our lives. We experience life and become stronger, better people because of our choices. We have the option to "let go" of our poor decisions. We can learn from them and vow not to make the mistake again.
If we live with regret and focus on the "what might have been's" we are not TRULY living. Instead, we are wishing for something that was not in the blueprint of our lives. Pining for something that doesn't make up the "story" that has become our lives.
Don't waste another valuable minute pondering your sliding doors. The choices were made and made for a reason. If mistakes were involved, LEARN FROM THEM! Grow from your errors and do not repeat them.
Be thankful for your trials because they make you strong and mold you into the beautiful person that you are today. Smile when you think of that open door you could have taken but didn't. I guarantee you that door may have changed SOME things, but the grass isn't always greener elsewhere.
Cherish each day and have no regrets. Leave the past in the past where it belongs. Enjoy the present because that is exactly what it is: a GIFT! What you do with today matters, so choose wisely and choose to make a difference in the lives of those around you. Make them glad their sliding doors led them to YOU. :)
Amen. I wonder where my adventure will lead.